Submission format


Manuscripts may be submitted in English or French.


Papers must be between 20 and 25 pages long, including references and appendices (with no possible derogation on the length).

From now on, TAL that is a double-blind review journal: it is thus necessary to anonymise the manuscript and the name of the pdf file. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity must be avoided.

Style sheets are available for download on the Web site of the journal.




To submit a paper, upload your contribution (in PDF format) via the "My submissions" link on the left.

NOTE: In order to see the link, you will need to login with a sciencesconf account. To create an account, go to the site and click on "create account" (top right, next to the "Login" button). To submit, come back to the page, connect to your account and upload your submission at the "My submissions" link.


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